Sliding Scale Pricing: Our Commitment to Sustainable, Community-Led Care

At Doulado, we are driven by a mission to improve outcomes for all types of community-led care, from birth to end-of-life and everything in between. Our primary focus is to empower doulas to provide exceptional care for their clients and communities.

Throughout our journey, we've learned that success in doula work isn't solely defined by financial gain. There are times when the need for care surpasses the financial capabilities of those who need it most. We've been deeply moved by the doula community's resilience and dedication to providing care regardless of these challenges. Inspired by their commitment, we've chosen to adopt a sliding scale pricing model, mirroring the approach many doulas take with their clients.

Our goal is to ensure that price is never a barrier to the provision of loving, life-changing care. We believe in sustainable business practices that enable our doulas to provide long-term care, fostering a community mindset that values uplifting others and contributing to the common good.

Sustainability, Together

Sustainability isn't a solitary endeavor. It's a collective effort, a harmonious blend of diverse factors, people, and goals working together to strike the right balance. It's about everyone chipping in, so we all win.

Doulas, like their clients, navigate through different seasons of life and business. We aim to be a steadfast partner throughout these seasons. Our hope is that when we help someone reach a point of success and abundance, they'll be in a position to support others in the community.

Navigating the Sliding Scale

Our sliding scale pricing model is designed to accommodate the varying circumstances of our doulas. Here's a guide to help you understand when to pay less and when to give back:

When to Pay Less

You might consider paying less if you're:

  • Working for reduced rates

  • Building your business

  • Navigating personal life events

  • Engaging in part-time doula work

  • Providing care in historically marginalized communities

When to Give Back

If you're in a position where:

  • Your leads are sufficient

  • Your business is growing

  • You're leading a successful team

  • You're in a position to help Doulado grow and hire

Then you might consider giving back to the community by contributing more.

At Doulado, we believe in the power of community and the importance of sustainable care. Our sliding scale pricing model is a testament to these values, ensuring that we can continue to support doulas in their invaluable work, regardless of their financial circumstances. Together, we can create a more caring, compassionate world.

To learn more about our pricing model and get a glimpse at everything Doulado can do for you and your business go HERE to book a call with Mary Beth, our co-founder.


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